Can Rabbits Eat Mango? (Safety, Benefits, Risks & Feeding Tips)

Unlike humans, rabbits don’t have a conscious concern about their health. They continue to eat anything they enjoy. So, look after your rabbit’s health.

“Can rabbits eat mango?” is the question. Humans adore this fruit because it is sweet, flavorful, and nutritious. Will the “king of fruits” also benefit rabbits? Continue reading.

Do rabbits like mango?

Yes, rabbits love sweet fruits like mango.  The majority of them are ecstatic with mango. They enjoy it so much that they will ask for more.

However, rabbits should consume mangoes in moderation. You cannot give them fruits as their primary source of nutrition. Consider it “candy” for your rabbit.

Keep an eye out for rabbits who may develop a liking for mangoes. They’ll eat more than they’re supposed to if given the chance.Be cautious when you have mangoes in your kitchen.

Is mango safe for rabbits?

can bunnies eat mangos

Mangoes are a safe fruit to provide to your rabbits. They are edible to rabbits. They’re not poisonous or hazardous either. However, feed them in small amounts. Overfeeding can make your rabbits unhealthy because of their high sugar content and acidity.

Rabbits’ digestive systems are sensitive. They have trouble digesting starch and sugar. They can get harmed by high-sugar foods, resulting in diarrhea.

Excess sugar consumption causes the harmful bacteria in their digestive tract to outgrow the beneficial bacteria. This can result in digestive problems.

Remember that your rabbits can become addicted to mango. They will begin to believe that they can always eat sweet foods. As a result, they will avoid their required diet.

Mango Skin

Some bunnies may enjoy mango peels. Feeding it to them is safe. Just make sure that you wash it thoroughly.

Spend time cleaning your mango with water to remove any grime or chemical residues. You won’t need to worry about the skin of the mango after that.

The mango skin is a fantastic source of nutrition for your bunnies’ development. However, they will sometimes refuse to eat it because it has a lower sugar content. Don’t fret if your pet refuses to eat the peels.

It’s best if you can feed your rabbit organic mango peel, as they’re less likely to contain insecticides.

Mango Seeds

Pay close attention to the seed when feeding mangoes to your rabbits. The seed doesn’t offer many nutrients for them. Even though rabbits have strong teeth, they can’t devour the seed.

Mango seed may cause stomach troubles if your bunnies eat it. These seeds are also coated in a chemical that rabbits find difficult to digest. So, discard the seed before giving

mangoes to your pets.

Mango Juice

Mango juice can be an alternative way to give your rabbit the flavor of mango. You can start with 1/2 teaspoon while keeping an eye on its behavior. You can gradually adjust the amount to 1 teaspoon for every two pounds of rabbit weight.

Dried Mango

Dried mango is harmful to your rabbit. Your pet’s digestive tract cannot process sweet dried fruits.

Also, excess sugar will either turn to fat or deposit in the cecum. The bacteria will convert the sugar as energy and multiply quickly.  This can result in GI stasis or bacterial imbalance.

Your rabbit may become obese, have weight problems, or develop diabetes due to eating dried mangos. Fresh mango will suffice instead.

Frozen Mango

There isn’t much of a problem with offering your rabbit a frozen mango. It has the same properties as fresh mango.

However, you may want to wait a few minutes after pulling it from the fridge. It will keep your rabbit safe from a variety of problems.

How many mangoes can rabbits safely eat?

can rabbits eat mango

Mango might be harmful to rabbits if you won’t observe proper precautions. So, give mangoes only to rabbits as a special treat.

The following table shows the amount of mango you can give to your rabbits.

Age Amount/Frequency per Week
Baby rabbits 0
Juvenile rabbits 0
Adult rabbits 1-2 tbsp/2 lbs of body weight; twice a week

Top 5 Health Benefits of Mango

can rabbits have mango

High in Nutrients

Mango is not only delicious for rabbits but also nutritious. The table below shows what a 100g of mango contains:

Nutritional Content Amount
Water 83.46g
Protein 0.82g
Energy 60 kcal
Carbohydrate 14.98g
Fat 0.38g
Fiber 1.6g
Sugar 13.66g

Rich in Antioxidants

Mango abounds in polyphenols. These are plant chemicals that function as antioxidants to protect your rabbit’s health.

The flesh, skin, and even the seed contain many different varieties. These include:

  • Catechins
  • Mangiferin
  • Anthocyanins
  • Kaempferol
  • Beta carotene

Antioxidants are necessary because they guard your rabbit’s cells against free radicals. These reactive chemicals can cause chronic diseases in your pets.

Mangiferin has gotten the most attention among the polyphenols. It is sometimes referred to as a “super antioxidant” because of its potency.

Mango is also high in beta carotene.  It is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in orange and green fruits. It lowers the chance of cancer in your rabbits. It may help reduce the risk of heart ailments and slow down muscular deterioration.

Sharpens Vision

Beta-carotene, which is abundant in mango, is an orange pigment. It turns to Vitamin A in your rabbit’s body.

Vitamin A is required for rabbits to maintain good vision. Mango also contains the antioxidants zeaxanthin and lutein, which prevent macular deterioration.

Improves Digestive Health

Mango contains digestive enzymes known as amylases. These convert food molecules so your rabbit’s body can easily absorb them.

Amylases disintegrate complex carbs into simple sugars like maltose and glucose. Ripe mangoes have more active enzymes, so they taste sweeter than green ones.

Furthermore, mango aids with digestive problems such as diarrhea and constipation since they are high in water and fiber. It will ensure that the gut continues to move, preventing stasis and bloating.

Boosts Immunity

Mango is a fantastic reward for rabbits if you want them to have more immunity. Vitamin A can aid in the prevention and treatment of infections and illnesses. Vitamin C also helps your bunnies recover more quickly from colds.

Risks of Feeding Rabbits with Mango

can bunnies have mango

Mango provides many health benefits to your bunnies. However, overfeeding them can also have adverse effects.

Too much mango in your bunnies’ diet can cause acidity. This is bad for their health. You should not also give overripe or rotting mango. It might cause gastrointestinal problems and diarrhea.

Also, you should not give mangoes to baby rabbits until they are 12 weeks old. Their digestive tracts are more sensitive than adult rabbits. Consuming too much sugar can also make your bunnies obese. This could result in a variety of health issues.

Mango can also cause allergic reactions in some rabbits. Proceed with caution if this is your first time feeding mango to your pet rabbits.

In addition, mango provides sugars such as fructose, glucose, and sucrose. These offer good energy to rabbits. Overfeeding them might result in digestive issues and hyperactivity.

4 Mango-Feeding Tips to Rabbits

can rabbits eat mangos

Purchase mangoes carefully

Buy mangoes from a reputable store to ensure your pet’s safety. This is to ensure that you get fresh, high-quality food. Also, inspect the fruits you’re about to purchase. Check the fruit for any signs of defects.

Do not buy cooked or processed mango. Your rabbit gets its nutrients from uncooked foods. Raw mango not only makes your pet healthier, it also saves you time by not having to cook or prepare it.

Introduce mango gradually

Feed mango to your rabbit gradually, as with any new food. Take caution, especially if it has never eaten fruit before.

Begin by giving your rabbit about ½ teaspoon of fresh mango.  Watch for any indications of digestive distress for the next few hours. This is unlikely, but it is possible.

Mango is not a suitable match for your rabbit if it looks uncomfortable or has diarrhea. Put it back on its standard diet of rabbit food and hay for a week. You may try giving it treats again afterward.

Gradually increase your rabbit’s mango portion if all seems to be well. Do so until it comfortably consumes the entire serving.

Don’t introduce too many different foods at once. Instead, stick to one type of food until your pet is accustomed to eating. Remember to incorporate only a tiny amount of the new item into their diet.

Offer mango as a treat

As previously said, do not include mangoes in your rabbit’s daily diet. Instead, think of it as a treat you can give once or twice a week. Be cautious about the amount of mango you give your rabbit.

A spoonful of fresh mango per two pounds of rabbit weight is usually ideal. This is a daily dose that you shouldn’t give more than two times a week.

Also, keep in mind that it’s just for adult bunnies. If your rabbit is still young, it’s best to avoid feeding it mangoes.

Dispose of leftover mangoes

Throw away any remaining mangoes soon as possible. Remember that mango chunks decay. They can cause unnecessary and dangerous problems for your rabbits. These include a bug infestation, a stinky enclosure, and other health issues.


Can rabbits eat mango? Definitely! Rabbits are known to eat a wide variety of foods, mango is one of their favorites. It’s not only appetizing but also nutritious. However, remember to stick to their daily diet. Serve mango exclusively as a treat to avoid any health issues.

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